City Council
Staples City Government
The form of government established by the City Charter is the “Council-Administrator Plan.” Council terms are for 4 years, and the Mayor term is 2 years. The Council exercises the legislative power of the city and determines all matters of policy. The City Administrator is responsible to the council for the proper administration of all affairs relating to the city.
Charter City
A unique feature of the City of Staples is that voters have the right, in accordance with the Charter, to propose ordinances and to require ordinances to be submitted to a vote by a process known respectively as the initiative and referendum. They also shall have the right to remove elected public officials by process known
as recall.
Regular meetings
Council Meetings are the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays, 7pm. Notices of any changes to the date and/or time of council meetings will be published in the Staples World.