
City Administration manages and directs the operations and finances of the City of Staples. We process utility bills, accounts receivable, accounts payable, building permits, field and direct questions, coordinate meetings of the City Council and its committees, monitor city funds and budgets, manage policy and ordinance implementation, and perform many other necessary functions.


NEW Utility Bill Payment Option:

You can now set up direct payment so your monthly utility payment is automatically withdrawn from your checking or saving account.   Direct Payment provides several advantages:

  • It saves time – no checks or trips to City Hall
  • It saves postage or gas
  • No late fees due to misplaced statements
  • Helps meet your payment commitment in a timely manner

You authorize regularly schedule payments to be made on the 15th of each month or the next business day.   Proof of payment will appear on your statement.

Click Here to sign up


Our Staff:

  • Jerel Nelsen, City Administrator
  • Tara Greer, City Clerk/Finance Director
  • Jessica Strege, Utility Billing Clerk
  • Mercedes Harris, Administrative Assistant
City of Staples | 122 6th Street NE Staples, MN 56479 | 218-894-2550 | Photos provided by the Staples World.