Planning and Zoning Commission

Purpose and Function:

  1. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall provide assistance to the City Council and Zoning Administrator in the administration of the Staples Zoning Ordinance.
  2. The Commission shall review, hold public hearings, and make recommendations to the City Council on all applications for zoning amendments and conditional use permits using the criteria in Section 5.6.04 of the Staples City Code.
  3. Review, evaluate, and update the Staples community-based Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan contains the goals, policies, standards, and maps that guide the physical, social, and economic development of a community.
  4. The Commission establishes goals and policies by: studying background data; examining development problems and opportunities; and working to create a vision of the future of the community.
  5. Recommend the adoption and alteration of all rules, regulations, policies, and ordinances that will control long-term development consistent with the Comprehensive Plan.
  6. Implement the Comprehensive Plan by utilizing tools such as zoning ordinances, subdivision regulations, building codes, rental codes, etc.
  7. Review and make recommendations on development proposals, re-zonings, subdivisions, and conditional and special use permits.
  8. Coordinate the planning activities with adjacent units of government and other affected public agencies.


Meetings: The Planning and Zoning Commission meets every 3rd Monday at 5pm at the Staples City Hall.


Planning and Zoning Commission Members: 

  • Tara Kihle
  • Lindsey Williams
  • Doug Case (Council Representative)
  • Janet Kiley
  • Kurt Wilson
  • Phil Lindaman
  • Michael Logajan
City of Staples | 122 6th Street NE Staples, MN 56479 | 218-894-2550 | Photos provided by the Staples World.