Meter Readings

It's important to know how to read your meters whether you need to submit them to the city or are figuring out if you have a water leak. If you are submitting meter readings to the City, fill out the information on the bottom and click Submit. You may also email a picture of your meter to



Water meters measure the amount of water used in your household, and the readings from the meter determine the amount of your monthly bill. A routine check of your water meter could alert you to a water leak if the readings are unusually high. Water meters in the City of Staples measure volume in cubic feet, one cubic foot equals about 7.48 gallons.


Once you locate your meter, open the lid. The number will be shown at the top of the digital display. The six numbers to the left of the decimal are measuring in cubic feet, and the three numbers to the right of the decimal will measure down to .001 cubic feet. Our system reads in 10 cubic feet increments, so you would write down the first 5 numbers from the left. 



Sample Reading

The reading above shows: 000553.433

Read the first 5 numbers from the left.

Meter reading: 00055



Electric meters measure the amount of electric used in your household, and the readings from the meter determine the amount of your monthly bill. Electric meters in the City of Staples measure usage in kilowatts hours (kWh).


Reading your electric meter is pretty straightforward. Once you locate your meter, the number will be shown at the top of the digital display.  This is your electric reading.



Sample Reading

Meter reading: 00340



Email Address:
*Account Number:
*Service Address:
*Reading Date:
Electric Meter Reading:
Dual Fuel Meter Reading:
Water Meter Reading:
Sprinkler Meter Reading:

* - denotes required field

City of Staples | 122 6th Street NE Staples, MN 56479 | 218-894-2550 | Photos provided by the Staples World.