Airport Board


Purpose and Function:

  1. Review, evaluate, and update the Airport Layout Plan (ALP) for the Staples Municipal Airport (SAZ). The plan provides current, near-term, mid-term, and long-term forecasts of based aircraft and the number of annual operations at the airport.
  2. Recommend an annual update of a detailed five-year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for proposed capital improvements.
  3. Recommend the alteration and adoption of rules, regulations, and policies governing the use of the airport facilities such as the hangars, fueling system, and the arrival/departure building, and snow removal equipment building.



The Airport Board meets as necessary. 


Airport Board Members:

  • Ken Peterson
  • Kent Nordell
  • Jeff Weitemier
  • Doug Case (Council Representative) 
  • Bruce Nelsen
  • John Jewison (Council Representative)
City of Staples | 122 6th Street NE Staples, MN 56479 | 218-894-2550 | Photos provided by the Staples World.